Friday, January 07, 2011

V04-T02 64 Ford

.....I was able to get in at least one good car song before changing plans on the fly.

  • 03:37 "64 FORD" (Phranc)
  • performed by Phranc
  • original source: LP "POSITIVELY PHRANC" Island 422-848-282(US)1991
  • and my source: CD5 64 FORD c/w SURFER GIRL Island PRCD 6675-2(US)1991 [promo only]
.....I'm going to recall my original notes and update/correct them afterwards:
"Billed as the All-American Jewish Lesbian Folksinger, Phranc paradoxically expands her identity in the studio even while she narrows it in her press releases. She is one of a number of women who snuck into public view as part of a rediscovery of folk (Suzanne Vega, Michelle Schocked, Tracy Chapman) and surprised everyone by demonstrating a versatility of styles and command of technical abilities, neither of which are traditionally held in great regard in folk circles.

"This definitely falls under 'surf music' and will never be confused with 'I DREAMED I SAW JOE HILL LAST NIGHT'. My source for this was a promotional CD that also included an alternate mix of her remake of 'SURFER GIRL', which doesn't too much stray from the tone of the Beach Boys' original version."

.....Shortly after I wrote that, the remark about her press identity narrowing became obsolete. Phranc started showing up in wire news reports as a high-achieving Tupperware sales representative. She also did some one-woman Neil Diamond tribute shows. At the time I put the cassette together she had managed to turn the phrase "All-American Jewish Lesbian Folksinger" into something close to a trademark. And while that never ceased to be an accurate description, she managed to avoid it becoming a limitation without abandoning it. Bravo.

.....Next, not being able to follow a lyrical theme as I had planned, I follow a musical one instead. From turf to surf then.

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