Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rockabilly Interlude/Cramps

.....I haven't posted (except for the previous note) in about three weeks for several reasons. I've been trying to establish a backlog of material on the Christmas blog (350th anniversaries don't come along every day), the current incarnation of the Doom Patrol comic book will likely be cancelled in a few months, impacting my first blog, and finally I've been uilizing my often neglected Livejournal account to write a detailed annotated Cramps discography for the purposes of a renovated compilation. Longtime readers of this blog may be aware that it is all just an enormous set of liner notes for a set of mix tapes compiled in the 1990's. That set of tapes was both an answer to the often-asked question that makes up the title and a way for me to reconnect with the odd bits and pieces in my collection that didn't seem to have any place among the single artist/act compilations I more commonly made for myself at the time.

.....One cassette I put together then which I continued to routinely listen to was a 90-minute Cramps selection which I called "Highlights For Lowlifes", but which only covered their career up to 1991. They released new material slowly but regularly, about an album every three years, but still toured in between. I posted about them recently here and since then have been in touch with a personal friend who wanted to dig up whatever I might have available. That sounded to me like a good reason to renovate the compilation. The Livejournal entries are essentially my scratch pad for the project. I'll note every recorded I've ever learned about there, select the best and /or most representative tracks and plot workable cassette and CD configurations, which I may post here between the end of Volume 4 and the start of Volume 5, not unlike taking time out for Halloween last fall, but with more advance planning.

.....If you want to follow my notes, perhaps learning what holes there may be in your own collection, Google my screen name, pblfsda, and the name livejournal. It should be the top of the list, or thereabouts.

.....I hope to complete Volume four in March.


Mitch said...

Dude, I'd love to see what one of your legendary cassette compilations for the Cramps looks like, post the tracklisting!

pblfsda said...

Actually, I thought it would have been up by now, but when I returned my attention to my earlier comics blog I found that the title on which it was based was being cancelled. That led to more intramural communication among related blogs than usual. It's already obvious that my completion of Volume 4 on this blog has been bumped until April, so posting the first edition of the Cramps compilation is something I may devote Thursday afternoon to completing. The second, expanded edition might be ready by May. I don't even want to think about my Christmas blog.
I've also got the Irish Music edition of Eardrum Buzz (see link on right) cued up. Hmm. Maybe I can post the Cramps cassette playlist tonight while I listen to that instead of finishing a reprint checklist. Check back at midnight or tomorrow morning.